Take a look at video footage of some of our machinery in action.

Wiper Rag Metal Detection
Bale breaking systems with metal detection, removing metal contaminated textiles from bales. Auto feed of clean wiping rags to manual bagging press. Fully auto systems are available with robot stacking.

Fully Auto Form, Fill & Seal
KME fully auto form fill and seal animal bedding systems for packaging various types of product - wood shavings, hemp, cardboard & paper, chopped straw, textiles etc

MRF Install
Recent install of a MRF for Pearce recycling - The plant will run at 20tons/hr on DMR with glass. We have used a 2 deck glass screen the best on the market, a scalping screen and a CP news screen from CP Group.

Animal Bedding Baler
1500 wide cross cut shredder for card board. It incorporates a dust extraction system, weight hopper and a tri pack bagging press which produces up to 80 bales an hour.

Haylage Re-baling System
Small Bale Haylage Packing system. Turns large Bale Haylage / Baleage into 20kg sealed packs at a rate of 140 packs per hour. Automatic Robot stacking for the finished packs.
Aries XL Twin Ram Baler
Fully Automatic Twin Ram Baler baling Aluminium Cans, Shredded Paper, Cardboard & Plastic.

Aries XL Twin Ram Baler
Fully Automatic Twin Ram Baler baling Aluminium Cans, Shredded Paper and Cardboard.
Density Separation
A specially commissioned animal bedding processing system for cleaning wood shavings for equestrian use. Removing large unwanted fragments of bark and wood before dust removal and bagging.

Twin Bale Breaker Unit
A twin bale breaker for high speed, bale blending functionality. Bales can be strapped or bagged, system is changeable by hand and complete with robot stacking for uniform pallets for shipping.