Run Geraldine Run!

03 Apr 2024

Geraldine Di Liberto, KMEs purchasing manager has her sights on the finish line.

12 months ago Geraldine put on her first pair of running shoes and started her fitness journey. Inspired by friends to run and her own desire to become fitter.

She started off slowly with interval training around Hollingworth lake, running and walking the 2.4 mile / 4k loop with colleague Laura Mills.

Roll forward 12 months and Geraldine has signed up for her first half marathon. Running the 13.1 mile Manchester half marathon on May 26th is her biggest challenge yet.

She has been putting in the training and has built up to the required distance, smashing 13 miles for the first time over the Easter weekend. It didnt come easy and she wanted to give in at the 7 mile mark but she pushed through with support from her husband Dom.

Geraldine strava report
Geraldines Strava

Geraldine is raising money for her half marathon run for the charity MIND. Mind is a mental health charity in England and Wales. Mind offers information and advice to people with mental health problems.

If you would like to sponsor her please click on the link below :

Just Giving – Geraldine Di Liberto


She ran an excellent race, raised over her target for the charity Mind & bagged herself a medal. We are all so proud of you Ged, Well Done!!